Life Care Plan: Simply Defined

mug_KevinThanks to Kevin Pillion, Esq., Elder Law Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Founder of the Life Planning Law Firm, P.A. for contributing this article.  The Life Planning Law Firm is a valuable resource in providing programs and services to the residents and families of Alderman Oaks.

The aging process presents a host of challenges and raises many questions for most.  We all want to live a long and healthy life, but the reality is that nobody can predict the future and there are no guarantees.  While some still play golf in their 90s, others much younger require round the clock care in a facility.  Is it important to plan now for the “what-if” scenarios down the road?  We believe the answer is yes.  What happens to me when I can no longer take care of myself?  Who will take care of me?  How will I pay for my care?  Who will make sure I am well cared for?  How will I protect my children’s and grandchildren’s inheritance?  These are just a few questions that many seniors struggle with after retirement.  We believe it is absolutely necessary to be prepared for the unexpected, and one way to be prepared is to have a plan: a Life Care Plan.

A Life Care Plan is a holistic approach to helping seniors with their legal, financial and health care needs as they navigate the cycle of life.  It demonstrates a clear plan for care coordination and advocacy, financial and health care decision-making, and other support needed to ensure a senior’s well-being at all times.  A good Life Care Plan anticipates and creates contingencies for a variety of “what-if” scenarios.

The three principal goals of the Life Care Plan include:

  1. Appropriate Care. Whether at home or in a residential facility, ensuring that your loved one receives the best possible care in the most appropriate environment in order to enhance quality of life, is the most important of all goals.
  2. Asset Protection Solutions. Finding the best solutions to the asset protection problem that is created by the high cost of quality long-term care. Helping you find sources to pay for the quality long-term care to ensure that all of your loved one’s needs are met throughout his or her lifetime.
  3. Peace of Mind. Providing the entire family with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their loved one is safe and well cared for.

Whether you live in another town or another continent, a Life Care Plan offers welcome reassurance that your loved one will enjoy the best possible quality of life until the end of life. Peace of mind begins with a plan.

For more information about the Life Planning Law Firm, P.A., go to


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